My closet: blazer

Okay so about every year around this time I start to get bored with look that I am giving and yearn for something new and fresh. When I am searching for a look for myself the first thing is has it been done yet and what is the current trend, then how can it work into my existing wardrobe. I never go TREND crazy because I feel it is a waste of money filling your closet with garments you only wear a couple of times. Now don't get me wrong I do love trends but I will only buy two or three trendy pieces a season usually a shirt and jacket and always footwear of that trend and that's it and I work them into what I have, that is how it should be done. But I do like to see others wear a trend crazy I mean we all young and it is the only time you can do that and get away with it. So with that being said the first piece towards my new look is the shrunken blazer. Notice the blazer Blamain designer Christophe Decarnin is wearing. See how it is very fitted, it is single breasted with sleeve length about a inch or a inch and half above normal sleeve lengths. I LOVE the new sleeve length I think it will work lovely into my wardrobe and with that simple adjustment it will create something amazing to my existing closet. Also another bonus for me is I get to show off my many many bracelets and wrist accessories that I own, and for the record The Dealer rarely leaves the house with a naked wrist.

Double kisses
The Dealer