Mobile art anyone?

Chanel's mobile art pod was unveiled on Tuesday night. Here are some pics from the event EVERYONE came out to show there love for Chanel and they shuld because it's Chanel for Christ sake.

Eve what you doing there? lol

Get into her pieces statement necklace and a birkin DG you are going to have to get a bodyguard
Julia is coming into her own

Lady Amanda's daughter Tallulah, watch out for this one

Mia Demarchelier loving the croc birkin

FRG Victria Trania

The Arnold do you love her look ? And I see you Victoria!

UPDATE: The Arnold ADORES Fabiola but he does NOT love this look. And what was Genevieve thinking? This is a Chanel event! She does look like she's having fun though. But Victoria did it for me at this one.

photo credit:

double kisses
The Dealer